Patch Notes March 5, 2018
Please note: Details are subject to change at any time.
Weekly Maintenance Time: 3pm-7pm PDT (~4 hours)

Costume Box and Fusion Sale!
March 5 to March 12, 2018

The March Lucky Box has arrived!
March 5, 2018 to April 2, 2018

One more week!
No random items this week, just costumes! Opening the Romeo & Juliet Valentine's Day Box will give you a 3 slot Romeo & Juliet costume. To sweeten the deal, we've added a chance of receiving a 3 slot purple version by random chance.
This box will leave the Pyramid on March 12, 2018

Mimic Treasure Hunt
Event Period: March 5 to April 2, 2018
A treasure hunt has begun in Rune-Midgarts! Mimics are wreaking havoc by spawning all across the world in fields and it’s up to you to defeat them! Get out and kill these monsters while reaping the benefits: each mimic has a treasure inside!
Click here for more information!

Bonus Experience!
March 5 to March 12, 2018
Enjoy 200% Experience all week!

Bug Fixes:
- Change name and description of item 50001035 White Dye (R97 G97 B97) to Gray Dye
- This instance of 'White Dye' has been renamed to 'Gray Dye' in all languages.
- [Khara] A 'Repair All' should count as that many single repairs
- Fixed repair to give reward for amount repaired. If repair fails, no reward given.
- Grand Pirate costume [0s,1s,2s,3s] cannot be fused
- Added Grand Pirate costume to fusion list
- White Poisonous Bug pet does not seek new target after current dies
- Poisonous bug now finds new target if current target dies.
- Pet Transformation Skill Make Player Stop Gathering Action (Abusable when competing for Doubloons)
- Changed to use on party members only:
* Cucuri in Giant Forest
* Blop
* Uparus Magician
* Garden Protector Ormes
* Giant Whisper
* Shy Lady Tanee
- Missing Christmas Title Images
- Christmas Titles should not correctly display image.
- The Darksider card should drop from 'Dark Outsider Rosha'
- Looting time for all quest-summoned NPCs has been fixed, no longer immediate despawn. This should allow players to correctly loot items from these NPCs.
- Land of Darkness - battle mode
- Battle mode should end after threats are killed.