Warpportal takes over Ragnarok 2 Development!
We are excited to announce that WarpPortal will be taking over development of Ragnarok 2!
We know that players have wanted updates, changes, and fixes with many aspects of the game for some time now. We are confident that taking over development of Ragnarok 2 will afford us the control necessary to achieve these goals. WarpPortal has had success in developing for other MMORPGs, such as Requiem, ROSE Online, Dragon Saga, and it's predecessor, Ragnarok Online!
We will begin taking over development in March of 2016, and our aim is to avoid any major hiccups in the transition, while starting to work on those updates and changes our community has requested for so long. It is our sincere hope that with greater control of the game we will be able to deliver the Ragnarok 2 experience that you so deserve.
Warpportal Takeover Sale!
To celebrate, we are having a huge March sale that will bring many items that we haven’t seen in a while, and many more at discounted rates! Expect to see old Platinum and Mount Boxes return that you haven’t seen in a while!
Check the patch notes on March 28, 2016, for details!
Warpportal Takeover Login Event!
Players who play for the following hours from March 23, 2016, through May 2, 2016, will qualify to win immediate refine stones! The more time you accumulate, the more stones you can receive!
For example, get over 300 hours accumulated and earn 8 immediate refine stones!
Note: Rewards to be given out at the end of the event
Frequently Asked Questions
I thought Warpportal and Gravity were the same?
You're sort of right! Warpportal is the North American publisher for Gravity Interactive.
However, Warpportal never acted as developer for Ragnarok 2, and only as a publisher. Gravity employed a development team for Ragnarok 2 that was responsible for all development which included updates, bug fixes, etc.
Does this mean we should worry about Warpportal developing games if they are a publisher?
Warpportal has grown beyond being just a publisher many years ago when we started to develop games such as ROSE online, Dragon Saga, Requiem, and aspects of Ragnarok Online.
What does this mean for the future development of the game?
We can look forward to the following in Ragnarok 2’s future:
- Niflheim: New zones, new monsters, new quests, and more activities to explore
- More Solo Dungeon experiences
- S Rank Update: New Skills, stats, and other updates plus balancing!
- New Vanity and Costume sets
- Stat, Skill, and Formula balance and updating
- Leveling, quest, and zone balancing and updating
- Improvement of secondary systems such as refinement, honing, cards, DNA, and more
- Updates to existing content such as War of Emperium, Unions, and more
- Addressing bug problems, exploits, and feedback in a more timely manner
- Endless, horrible, and cringeworthy puns from our CM staff
- Adjusting Cheny, Diamonds, Scrolls, and other related content
- Updating the Kafra Shop items and prices
- And many more changes to come!
Those are just the short term, as well. Once we're fully confident with Ragnarok 2, we have a lot of plans to make it a more enjoyable game, and intend on including you all in on that.
Does this mean "X" is going to get updated or fixed?
That is our goal!
Thankfully, we have amassed a large amount of feedback, reports, suggestions, and criticisms from the Ragnarok 2 community over the past three years of operation. We know that there are a lot of areas that players would like to get fixed or updated soon. We've already taken the steps to start prioritizing the feedback, changes, and fixes we've known you've wanted for a while so our team can work on delivering them.
There will likely be a brief period of time, as we get our feet under us, that we will be getting situated with all the tools, processes, and documents that Ragnarok 2 has. Trust me, there is a lot to go through. However, we're confident that in the next 3-6 months, we will be able to start making substantial changes and updates to the game. Some of which we know our players have been waiting a long time for.
We've loved having an open conversation with players about the game up to this point. The Volunteer groups we have from the community have inspired us. We would love to continue to grow that connection to our players going forward, since it is you who we are developing this game for.