June Lucky Box 300 KP
Has a random chance of dropping one of the following items:
5 Chance Coupons
5 Divine Protections
5 Master Battle Manual Orders
5 Phantom Stones
Miyaong Sedan
Miyaong Sedan (30 Days)
Military Band Uniform
Military Band Hat
Military Band Cape
Bone Dragon’s Wing
RO1 Ninja Style
May Platinum Costume Box SALE 560 KP
May Platinum Accessory Box SALE 280 KP
May Munil's Costume Box SALE 315 KP
May Munil's Accessory Box SALE 155 KP
Happy Hour Boxes drop four times a day:
Players have a chance to get an additional box drop during this time by farming monsters within a five level range of the player that will randomly pop out a useful item.
Box has a chance to drop one of the following items:
The Chance Coupon
2 Thief Potions
Card Coating Paper
Divine Protection
Large Bag
Master Battle Manual Order
Graham Potion
Premium Dye
Phantom Stone
Event Random Box II
Special Honing Oil (5%)
Tweet Treat EXP Boost Ends. Weekends will return to 200% EXP rates.
2nd Anniversary event extended until June 15th’s maintenance.
-Magic Attack 50% is unusable on equipment except weapons. Correcting the description to reflect this.
-Wolf/Fox Ears Dye Bug fixed.